Happy Monday and first official full week of 2019. We accomplished tons over Christmas vacation, so I have been listening to a lot of audiobooks and podcasts lately. Today I want to share a new theory I use to manifest my goals to fruition. The Law of Attraction is a teaching of Abraham Hicks. ‘Abraham Hicks’ are translations of non-physical spirit guides of inspirational author Esther Hicks. She and her husband Jerry Hicks co-authored several books from Esther’s translating spirit. Although much of Abraham’s’ teachings can be interpreted as woo-woo, keep an open mind and it may resonate with you.
What is The Law of Attraction?
The law of attraction is a belief that like universal frequencies attract similar and like universal frequencies. In other words, what you believe in the world and expect to happen is 1000% more likely to happen if you believe it. If you believe you have the power to and deserve to attain something, then the universe will bounce back and support that idea to fruition and reality. The law of attraction is the first mental step into bringing something to physical, existential fruition.
Abraham hicks supports this idea through saying such a “birds of a feather flock together.” Additionally, when you spill your coffee in the morning, one bad thing after the next seems to occur. If you believe you will be successful and send the corresponding emotion, pheromones, hormones, vibrational frequencies, and etc into the universe, then success will come your way. The saying “when it rains, it pours” is another example of The Law of Attraction. You feel upset and unlucky. You believe the day is shot and ruined. As a result, the remainder of the day gets plagued with misfortune.
At this point, you may think this is a load of crock. However, I am a strong believer that we as people have other non-physical senses that we have not tapped into as a society. If EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) from Bluetooth and Wifi have recently proven to have an effect on the Iron in your body on a cellular level, then who is to say that emotions, beliefs, and our mind does not send frequencies out of our body?
More logically, if you don’t believe you will be rich, then you will likely never take the opportunities that can lead you to wealth. If you believe you will be a millionaire house flipper, then you are much more likely to quit your job and dive into that career.
Personal Proof of the Law of Attraction
Personally, I believe I was manifesting my husband for over 15 years. I always felt that a handsome, dark-haired, loving, and supporting man designed by God as my soulmate was out there for me. If I had not believed that will my whole soul, I may have settled with someone from the past or quit looking along the way. My husband is 100% all I could have hoped and dreamed. I kept seeking until I met him. I also believe that we align (like attracts like) on a deep, non-physical level.
The next part of manifestation is actually believing in the idea with your all. Doubt and fear are negative emotions. If your statement ‘I am going to be a successful entrepreneur’ is shrouded in self-doubt and negativity, then of course it is probably not going to become true. You have to not only send out specific frequencies to the world, you also have to already feel and believe in the results you do not yet have.
Tips to Manifest Using The Law of Attraction
Focus on what you want to attract. Imagine the emotion and feeling that would result from your success or manifestation of the idea you are trying to attract. How will your life look once you accomplish it? Write it down in detail. Write steps that may occur to get you there. Find a mantra that aligns with your goal, dream, or hope (read my explanation and suggestions of mantras HERE). Repeat that mantra. Fake it until you make it, or pretend as if it is truth until it becomes truth.
Never let it be said that to dream is a waste of one’s time. For dreams are our realities in waiting. In dreams, we plant the seeds of our future.
Corresponding Action
One final idea I would like to stress is that you cannot ignore action. You are not going to get a new home without taking action to get a loan, saving, or searching for a property. You cannot sit still and make something happen. Belief should exist side by side with action.
Further, there is nothing wrong with dreaming. The more you dream the more you could achieve. Shoot for the stars. If you miss you land among the stars. Beliefs and habits are both part of the unconscious mind, and this is where the non-physical starts forming the physical.
The Law of Attraction is a theoretical idea that sending a belief and vibe into the universe is the first and necessary step to manifesting reality. The Law of Attraction veres from logic to faith-based thinking. However, I feel pretty positive that no one ever succeeded or accomplished a goal without first believing he or she had the power to make it happen. Belief is the first step.
If you want an idea of a mantra to help you start working to absolute, positive belief, check out my post HERE. I hope you enjoyed this post and use this idea to step the direction of your dream life. May all your wildest dreams and hopes for 2019 and beyond come true.
Zoe Coleman