Perhaps you have heard of celery juicing if you follow wellness blogs and influencers online. Celery juice is trending in the health industry and after giving it a REEL go, it’s easy to see why. Many people would agree that celery juice sounds healthy, but today I will describe how to juice it, the benefits, and how celery juice has helped my eczema. Read along to see why celery juice is hailed as a miracle cure to known illnesses as well as a sundry of unknown chronic illnesses caused by autoimmunity and inflammation.
First, understand that everything you consume ever is a chemical. The word “chemical” has a bad wrap since it is typically used to describe inorganic and synthetic molecules in the food industry. However, Iron, B12, Vitamin C, etc. are all chemicals.
Second, know that I am no doctor and everything here is a combination of my opinion and summary of many things I have learned through life experience and personal research. Anything you read on the internet should be questioned and I encourage you to make our own conclusions. Please discuss any dietary or life changes with your doctor.
Finally, know there is A LOT of information here. I go on a couple tangents, but it is all good information, so feel free to skip around.
A Wide Range of Benefits
You may know that eating celery is negative calories since it requires more energy to process than energy adsorbed. This is because it is mostly indigestible fiber. However, when the salts and healthy portions are more easily digested through juice, you receive a jackpot of beneficial nutrients.
Celery juicing on an empty stomach quickly balances your body’s pH level, fights inflammation, promotes hydration, calms nerves, relieves migraines, and reduces constipation.
Over time, juicing celery helps prevent cancer, urinary tract infections, general infections, kidney stones, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, fights calcification, promotes weight loss, and prevents illness.
Summary of The Medical Medium
Anthony Williams, otherwise known as the Medical Medium, promotes that celery juice can cure a huge variety of ailments through its powerful healing benefits. He believes that at a biological level, celery contains undiscovered salt clusters that act as an antiseptic. These salt clusters fight free radicals by breaking down cell membranes or walls and starve pathogens that cause mysterious illness. These pathogens create neurotoxins. These pathogens include strep, Epstein-Barr, shingles, and viruses believed to contribute to everything from Eczema to Lyme to Chronic Fatigue to Crohns to MS to IBS and SIBO.
Much of Anthony Williams information comes from spirits (he is a medium, after all), so you may not agree with everything he says. However, he does have a ton of good information on the topic and is a major proponent for celery juicing.
Dive into Holistic Digestion & Missing Science
Holistic and functional medicine says that most digestion problems are caused by “leaky gut” or misdigestion. Although not a lot of western science has tested or disproven this idea, I feel they are on to something. Our society consumes mass amounts of genetically modified foods, pesticides, fertilizers, insecticides, and unnatural volumes of sugar/carbohydrates.
Gluten Free Conspiracy
It is common place in the US to spray fields of wheat with round up, or glyphosate, prior to harvest. This is done for a few reasons: 1. The crop produces 20% more seed and harvest while trying to “save” itself from the chemical. 2. Dead plants are MUCH easier to harvest. 3. Regrowth is faster because the crop is massacred. Farmers can get more harvest collections than just 1 annually. There are NO regulations against using this chemical in farming. This practice is getting adopted across the world.
Of course, glyphosate- better known as Round-up, is carcinogenic and extremely irritating to the human body. Our cells and antibodies associate this chemical with gluten, so our bodies naturally train themselves to attack it, which is why gluten intolerance is so massive in society right now. This is also why so many people find they can consume wheat in Europe, because they have not implemented this practice…. yet.
All this to say that we are consuming massive amounts of chemicals that we were not designed to process. The Hydrochloric acid (and 7 other undiscovered acids that break food in our stomachs) levels can become low from poor digestion, antibiotic use, yeast overgrowth from sugar consumption, and NSAIDS. Further along the digestive tract, the intestines can be damaged by the same things. Unbalanced bacteria, antibiotics, and intestinal plaque build-up can all cause MISADSORPTION of food particles.
Our Bodies in Today’s Society
When food is not properly broken down, our blood adsorbs larger molecules of food that our anti-bodies do not recognize. Anti-bodies multiply to fight foreign invaders and become confused, attacking our own body. This is one theory for why I have eczema.
The mis-adsorption of food particles and adsorption of chemicals are causing mass amounts of autoimmune disorders, IBS, eczema, thyroid problems, chronic fatigue, and all the other mysterious ailments our society is facing. Keep reading as I will describe how celery juicing can help ALL of this.
What is Inflammation?
Inflammation is your body’s immune response to an injury. In essence, it is when your body creates, sends, or makes many antibodies and sends them to a place to repair an injured body or foreign invader. It is why we swell from bee stings or a twisted ankle. Autoimmune disease means that a persons body has misidentified bodily dangers and accidentally attacks its own body, causing further personal injury without fully understanding the effects. Examples of autoimmune disorders include eczema, psoriasis, gout, arthritis, hashimoto’s, thyroid disorders, and lupus – just to name a few.
The Science of Celery Juice and its Benefits
Why Juicing is So Beneficial
First off, celery juice is extremely hydrating. Western science supports this. Water is better adsorbed with electrolytes and celery is full of salt and nutrients to help you become hydrated. One serving of juice is equivalent to an entire stalk of celery. It is unlikely anyone would consume this much celery in a sitting. Juicing removes the undigestible fiber portions so you can consume the nutrient-dense portion of the plant. In addition, our body does not have to work as hard to breakdown and extract those nutrients. Food is always better adsorbed in liquid form.
In fact, many vitamin supplements on the market are not adsorbed by our body. Either they are synthetic vitamins that our body is not designed to actually react with or breakdown to adsorption or our bodies are used to absorbing them with fat.
Nutritional Facts of Celery
In addition to healthy salts, celery contains folate, B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin K (Potassium), and Vitamin A, calcium, Magnesium, Iron, and more. Magnesium helps regulate sleep, stay asleep, and lowers blood pressure and heart rate. Next, while Vitamin C boosts immunity, Iron produces red blood cells.
Biological Benefits of Celery Juice
Celery salts enhance methylation that is required for proper absorption of nutrients throughout the digestive tract. It heals the liver and increases bile production. It lowers mold and fungus levels. This helps SIBO, or systemic intestinal bacteria overgrowth (i.e. yeast imbalance, etc.).
Celery juice is rich of electrolytes and balances blood sugar. It is antiseptic and kills pathogens that cause inflammation.
Non-genertic cancer = occurs through spontaneous cell injury. Basically the cell grows into a tumor spontaneously. One theory for how this happens is that oxidants in the body kill a cell and the DNA is damaged and turned into a new, cancerous cell or tumor. That cell them feeds off other cells. When we are young, our body does a good job of killing off cells ruined by oxidation. The keto diet actually spurs cell suicide of those malfunctioning cells as well as starving them (cancerous cells feed on sugars).
Celery has antioxidants in them that react and use up these antioxidants so they do not harm our bodies. Luteolin and Apigenin are antioxidants and anti-carcinogens.
Luteolin and polyacetylenes in celery inhibit the enzyme and prostoglandins that starts the inflammatory response.
Highly Efficient Adsorption
Finally, because celery juice is completely natural and organic, our bodies naturally know how to consume, eat, and adsorb these golden nutrients- all in one 12-16 ounce daily cup.
How to Consume Celery
1. Cut off base of celery.
2. Remove all leaves to reduce bitterness.
3. Wash thoroughly.
4. Allow to dry.
5. Cut into shorter pieces.
6. Store until use.
7. Juice approximately 1 stalk or 12 ounces of celery.
8. Drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
9. Avoid other drinks or food for at least 30 minutes afterward.
My Personal Experience
I have always promised myself I would try anything to rid my body of eczema, so I decided to test it after reading testimonials praising its benefits.
First, celery juice is not delicious. I did find that after a couple weeks it was much easier to consume.
Without absolutely knowing how Celery juice is working in my body, I have noticed thicker, less porous skin. I feel more hydrated. My skin is definitely stronger, which has helped my eczema!
I feel more energetic when I juice celery and I crave less sugar. The drink keeps me full in the morning and I feel a little lighter. Most importantly, my eczema has reduced about 40-50%. I am less itchy. Therefore, I plan to keep my celery juice habit going strong!
Make Consumption of Celery Juice Easier
- Prep your celery at least the night prior.
- Buy organic celery to reduce pesticides and fertilizers.
- Drink cold and add ice. I feel a colder drink is more refreshing and easier to sip. A little added water just makes it lighter to consume.
- Chug if you must.
- Be consistent. I DID notice that drinking juice regularly makes it easier to consume.
Finally, I linked the juicer I bought in the shoppable widget below. One of the links is to Bed, Bath, & Beyond, where you can usually find a 20% OFF coupon. This juicer is easy to clean, works fast and efficiently, and is a moderate price for a juicer. More expensive juicers are easier to clean or produce a higher yield of juice, but I really believe this juicer is the best for the money.
Finally, if you have any questions about my juicing process, feel free to comment below or contact me!
Zoe Coleman Audrey